"Stitched" is a photo project that is an emotional reflection of what is happening to all of us in the existing reality. We expressed the accumulated inner tension in the language of visual art using references to the cultural codes of unique Ukrainian traditions. That is the reason why we used some national Ukrainian motifs in a modern interpretation. This fine art project is about the importance of identity, about the value and uniqueness of every individual on this planet. We believe in the power of embedded meaning in creative works of art, therefore all of the costumes in this series are handcrafted from unexpected materials. Each image is thought out and filled with the visual meaning of sacral words that we repeat like a mantra, which helps us not to lose hope and believe in a better future.
We want
to immerse you
in the depths
of our mantra
Confrontation [ ɒpir ] - as a struggle for
own right of self-identity.

Strength [ sylʌ ] - as strong
unity and freedom of choice.

Pride [ gɒrdistˈ ] - as a
point of success and

Courage [ mʊʒnistˈ ] is like being responsible for the past generation and for all made decisions for beyond generations.

Despair [ rɒzpʌtʃ ] - as a driving force power in the case of irreversible events.

Heritage [ spʌdɒk ] as a precious mineral that we turn into a piece of jewelry for posterity.

Intelligence [ rɒʒʊm ]- as ability to see the non-obvious, and realize the obvious.

Creativity [ twɒrtʃistˈ ] - as the world language of creation with individual interpretation.

A look into the soul
[ pɒgljʌd w dʊʃʊ ] - as a penetrating empathy ability, communication on a mental level.

Generosity [ stʃedristˈ ] as the ability to help those in need.

Stealth [ skrytnistˈ ] - as national information codes, meanings for the preservation of identity.

Eternity [ witʃnistˈ ]- as fundamental, sacred natural values. Capital truths.

Fragility [ kryhkistˈ ]- as a feeling of the non-eternity of everything & everyone.

Anger [ ʒlist' ] as a return coin that the enemy receives at the point of no return.

Anxiety [ trywogʌ ] as an exceptional intuition.

Tension [ naprugʌ ] as absolute self-control.

We are all filled up with emotions that define our identity. And inside of each of us is sewn up a DNA code that is unique and beautiful. The myriad variety of diverse of natural patterns around the world creates magnificent canvases, but one detail brings together all of them. The crossing of red threads unites all mankind.
And those connections remind us that we are all equally red inside.
Natasha VOLK - Certified European photographer & art director.
Winner of the leading industry contests: International Photography Awards, Fine Art Photography Awards, EUROPEAN FASHION DISTINCTION AWORD; London International Creative Competition.

Natasha VOLK
Serge LION
Volodymyr TYSHCHENKO - International window decorator and image responsible of
Massimo Dutti
Handmade creator of interior decorations
Artist with free flight of imagination

Serge LION - Visual Artist, fashion & beauty expert. Experienced in many ways I have combined several professions. Nowadays I'm working as a multitask artist : stylist, hair&make-up artist, photographer.

"This project was created in co-authorship by the artist Serge Levchenko, performer Volodymyr Tyshchenko and photographer Natalia Volk.
The war, unleashed by Russia against Ukraine, brought thousands of deaths and caused the emigration of millions of people. Alongside this, the role of Ukraine in Europe has instantly changed: from the land, known for its so-called "east-European vibe" to the fortress, protecting the democratic values of the world in the face of Russian terrorism. This image of Ukraine can be seen on the news headlines worldwide... "

Maria Vtorushina
Curator, resaarcher,
Set Foundation co-founder

Der Rote Faden im Leben

Konstantin Paul
Wir alle sind einzigartige, fühlende Wesen, die in schier unfassbarer Vielfalt den Planeten bevölkern. Doch was ist das verbindende Element, der Rote Faden, der alle(s) zusammenhält? Dieser Frage gehen in einer eindrucksvollen Fotoserie namens "Stitched" die Fotografin Natasha Volk, Visual Artist Serge Levchenko und Stylist Volodymyr Tyshchenko nach..... READ MORE "

Vangardist Magazine
Contact us:
+4915161976377 (Serge Levchenko)

Frankfurt am Main